Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Where is Hollywood situated

The REAL Story Behind The Location of HOLLYWOOD!!!
Many people think that Hollywood is situated in California because of all of the glorious sunshine associated with the area, but the real reason behind the placement of Hollywood is a little more sly than most would think.

While it is true that it takes a lot of light to produce good films, especially in the early days of the industry, it actually had much more to do with patent infringement.

Thomas Edison, the noted inventor, still held a patent on film cameras, and the movie makers who were infringing on those rights weren't too keen on handing over their cash either, so to get as far away from Edison's lawyers as possible, they moved as far away as possible, while still remaining in the United States.

The back-up plan, should the lawyers also follow them westwards, was to then move on down south into nearby and accommodating Mexico.

Monday, February 22, 2010

News from US Blogs

] ~~~ Interesting News - US Gov. Traitors Listed, US to Explode Chemical Weapons,Friday, 19 February, 2010 8:56 PMFrom: fernwoods7@yahoo.comTo: Fernwoods@aol.com
LarryFlynt.com » Blog Archive » SIBEL EDMONDS: THE TRAITORS AMONG US
SIBEL EDMONDS, a former FBI translator, claims that the following government officials have committed what amount to acts of treason. They are lawmakers Dennis Hastert, Bob Livingston, Dan Burton, Roy Blunt, Stephen Solarz and Tom Lantos, as well as at least three members of George W. Bush’s inner circle: Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and Marc Grossman.

“..... the Israelis and the Turks obtaining influence over our legislators and over a number of senior government officials at the Pentagon and State Department. Because this thing was so big, and it affected both Democrats and Republicans, I think the U.S. government is terrified of opening up this Pandora’s box.”
“The people in Congress and in the Justice Department who should be investigating this…and also in the media—because the media is tied hand and foot to government—this is all part of one big, you know, conspiracy, if you want to look at it this way.


Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue the economy - they're re-creating the conditions for another crash
Goldman wasn't alone. The nation's six largest banks — all committed to this balls-out, I drink your milkshake! strategy of flagrantly gorging themselves as America goes hungry — set aside a whopping $140 billion for executive compensation last year, a sum only slightly less than the $164 billion they paid themselves in the pre-crash year of 2007. In a gesture of self-sacrifice, Blankfein himself took a humiliatingly low bonus of $9 million, less than the 2009 pay of elephantine New York Knicks washout Eddy Curry. But in reality, not much had changed. "What is the state of our moral being when Lloyd Blankfein taking a $9 million bonus is viewed as this great act of contrition, when every penny of it was a direct transfer from the taxpayer?" asks Eliot Spitzer, who tried to hold Wall Street accountable during his own ill-fated stint as governor of New York.

http://www.rollings tone.com/ politics/ story/32255149/ wall_streets_ bailout_hustle/ print


The 9/11 truther movement (or questions about the 'official' 9/11 version) is now being treated as a scientific controversy worthy of debate, rather than as a "conspiracy theory" ignoring science and common sense. She notes that 8 countries – Britain, Canada, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Russia – have allowed their publicly-owned broadcasting stations to air the full spectrum of evidence challenging the truth of the official account of 9/11.
http://tvnewslies. org/tvnl/ index.php? option=com_ content&view=article&id=13012&Itemid=125

http://www.realityz one.com/currentp eriod.html
US: Because of an approaching treaty deadline to destroy a portion of American chemical weapons, the government plans to explode them in Colorado and Kentucky. To neutralize the chemicals would take too long, they say; but to blow them up may only disperse them into the air, including mustard and nerve gas. Local residents say this move puts the safety of citizens below global politics.

Lawsuit: School gave kids laptops to spy on them at home Raw Story
A Philadelphia school provided 1800 students with laptop computers, and is being sued by parents because school officials remotely activated built-in webcams to spy on the kids (and everyone else) at home.

Big Pharma researcher admits to faking dozens of research studies for Pfizer, Merck (opinion)
Former researcher and spokesman for Big Pharma admits faking dozens of research studies published in medical journals. The real story here is that this is not unusual but merely one more incident in a long history of scientific fraud in the drug industry. The researcher may be punished, but the executives of the companies will not.

'Influenza vaccine has no effect': study - The Local
Sweden: Study of senior citizens shows that flu vaccination is no more effective than fresh air and washing hands.

How Blackwater built morale: Strippers, prostitutes and murder
.... allegation from two former Blackwater employees that the company,
now called Xe, fraudulently billed the US government for travel expenses,
prostitutes, and strippers... .

Sign up Today for the Webinar: Interactions Between the Earth’s Energetic Systems and Human Consciousness with Rollin McCraty, Ph.D.
Interactions Between the Earth's Energetic Systems and Human Consciousness

"Celebrate What's Right With The World" 22 min. video

One Source Says: FBI Knew Austin Attack Was Coming

A trusted source told Prison Planet the FBI knew Austin was going to
be attacked today and had dispatched officers from its Dallas headquarters
yesterday afternoon to be in place for today’s incident.
http://www.prisonpl anet.com/ source-fbi- knew-austin- attack-was- coming.html

UK releases more UFO files

Reports of a UFO hovering over former Conservative Home Secretary Michael Howard's home are among thousands of odd sketches, strange sightings and alleged close encounters detailed in newly released UK documents.

More than 6,000 pages of reports describe people's experiences with unidentified flying objects, mainly between 1994 and 2000.

http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/uk_news/ 8520717.stm

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley (MALLI Leaves) known as Corriender leaves and wash it clean
Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.
Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Lifetime of Planning Pays Off

A Lifetime of Planning Pays Off

"You gotta be crazy!"

That's what Lee Dunham's friends told him back in 1971 when he gave up a secure job as a police officer and invested his life savings in the notoriously risky restaurant business. This particular restaurant was more than just risky, it was downright dangerous. It was the first McDonald's franchise in the city of New York - smack in the middle of crime-ridden Harlem.

Lee had always had plans. When other kids were playing ball in the empty lots of Brooklyn, Lee was playing entrepreneur, collecting milk bottles and returning them to grocery stores for the deposits. He had his own shoeshine stand and worked delivering newspapers and groceries. Early on, he promised his mother that one day she would never again have to wash other people's clothes for a living. He was going to start his own business and support her. "Hush your mouth and do your homework," she told him. She knew that no member of the Dunham family had ever risen above the level of laborer, let alone owned a business. "There's no way you're going to open your own business," his mother told him repeatedly.

Years passed, but Lee's penchant for dreaming and planning did not. After high school, he joined the Air Force, where his goal of one day owning a family restaurant began to take shape. He enrolled in the Air Force food service school and became such an accomplished cook he was promoted to the officers' dining hall.

When he left the Air Force, he worked for four years in several restaurants, including one in the famed Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. Lee longed to start his own restaurant but felt he lacked the business skills to be successful. He signed up for business school and took classes at night while he applied and was hired to be a police officer.

For fifteen years he worked full-time as a police officer. In his off-hours, he worked part-time as a carpenter and continued to attend business school. "I saved every penny I earned as a police officer," he recalled. "For ten years, I didn't spend one dime - there were no movies, no vacations, no trips to the ballpark. There were only work and study and my lifelong dream of owning my own business." By 1971, Lee had saved $42,000, and it was time for him to make his vision a reality.

Lee wanted to open an upscale restaurant in Brooklyn. With a business plan in hand, he set out to seek financing. The banks refused him. Unable to get funding to open an independent restaurant, Lee turned to franchising and filled out numerous applications. McDonald's offered him a franchise, with one stipulation: Lee had to set up a McDonald's in the inner-city, the first to be located there. McDonald's wanted to find out if its type of fast-food restaurant could be successful in the inner city. It seemed that Lee might be the right person to operate that first restaurant.

To get the franchise, Lee would have to invest his life savings and borrow $150,000 more. Everything for which he'd worked and sacrificed all those years would be on the line - a very thin line if he believed his friends. Lee spent many sleepless nights before making his decision. In the end, he put his faith in the years of preparation he'd invested - the dreaming, planning, studying and saving - and signed on the dotted line to operate the first inner-city McDonald's in the United States.

The first few months were a disaster. Gang fights, gunfire, and other violent incidents plagued his restaurant and scared customers away. Inside, employees stole his food and cash, and his safe was broken into routinely. To make matters worse, Lee couldn't get any help from McDonald's headquarters; the company's representatives were too afraid to venture into the ghetto. Lee was on his own.

Although he had been robbed of his merchandise, his profits, and his confidence, Lee was not going to be robbed of his dream. Lee fell back on what he had always believed in - preparation and planning.

Lee put together a strategy. First, he sent a strong message to the neighborhood thugs that McDonald's wasn't going to be their turf. To make his ultimatum stick, he needed to offer an alternative to crime and violence. In the eyes of those kids, Lee saw the same look of helplessness he had seen in his own family. He knew that there was hope and opportunity in that neighborhood and he was going to prove it to the kids. He decided to serve more than meals to his community - he would serve solutions.

Lee spoke openly with gang members, challenging them to rebuild their lives. Then he did what some might say was unthinkable: he hired gang members and put them to work. He tightened up his operation and conducted spot checks on cashiers to weed out thieves. Lee improved working conditions and once a week he offered his employees classes in customer service and management. He encouraged them to develop personal and professional goals. He always stressed two things: his restaurant offered a way out of a dead-end life and the faster and more efficiently the employees served the customers, the more lucrative that way would be.

In the community, Lee sponsored athletic teams and scholarships to get kids off the streets and into community centers and schools. The New York inner-city restaurant became McDonald's most profitable franchise worldwide, earning more than $1.5 million a year. Company representatives who wouldn't set foot in Harlem months earlier now flocked to Lee's doors, eager to learn how he did it. To Lee, the answer was simple: "Serve the customers, the employees, and the community."

Today, Lee Dunham owns nine restaurants, employs 435 people, and serves thousands of meals every day. It's been many years since his mother had to take in wash to pay the bills. More importantly, Lee paved the way for thousands of African-American entrepreneurs who are working to make their dreams a reality, helping their communities, and serving up hope.

All this was possible because a little boy understood the need to dream, to plan, and to prepare for the future. In doing so, he changed his life and the lives of others.

Cynthia Kersey
Excerpted/ Adapted from Unstoppable
Copyright 1988 by Cynthia Kersey

Friday, February 12, 2010

how 2 keep ur pet happy

how 2 keep ur pets happy

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mr & Mrs. (just click to see video)


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


: Strangers On A Train
Published by djmick on September 9th, 2009

Sitting together on a train, travelling through the Swiss Alps, were
an English guy, a Scottish bloke, a little old Greek lady, and a young blonde Swiss girl with large breasts.
The train goes into a dark tunnel and a few seconds later there is the sound of a loud slap. When the train emerges from the tunnel, the English guy has a bright red, hand print on his cheek. No one speaks.
The old lady thinks:
The English guy must have groped the blonde in the dark, and she slapped his cheek.
The blonde Swiss girl thinks:
That English guy must have tried to grope me in the dark, but missed and fondled the old lady and she slapped his cheek.
The English guy thinks:
That Scottish bloke must have groped the blonde in the dark – she tried to slap him but missed and got me instead.
And the Scottish guy thinks:
I can’t wait for another tunnel, just so I can smack that English prick again…..

Funny Aussie Map

Funny Aussie Map
Published by djmick on January 26th, 2010

Beers and barbecues all round today as Aussie’s celebrate Australia Day – commemorating the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in 1788.
Since most of us aren’t Australian we will join in the festivities by having a laugh at their expense with the funny Australian map.

Visa Inc posted a stronger-than-expected profit

Visa Inc posted a stronger-than-expected profit on Wednesday, helped by rising debit card processing volume.
The company's shares rose 2.6 percent in after-hours trading to $85.75, a stark contrast to a year ago, when it traded at $47.54.
Weakness in the economy has spurred more U.S. consumers to pay using their debit cards instead of their credit cards, Visa executives said. New U.S. regulations have also weighed on credit card spending volume, Visa Chief Executive Joseph Saunders said on a conference call.
"(Credit card spending) is not growing at anything close to the rates that it historically has, and obviously a lot of that has to do with the economy, and a lot of it has to do with the rules and regulations," Saunders said.

Visa, operator of the world's largest credit and debit payment network, receives fees whenever consumers use one of its credit or debit cards. As consumers worldwide increasingly pay using plastic, the company's revenue rises.
The company said quarterly profit was $763 million, or $1.02 a share, in its fiscal first quarter ended Dec. 31, compared with profit of $574 million, or 74 cents per class A share, in the same quarter a year earlier.

That beat analysts' average forecast for earnings of 91 cents a share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
Revenue was $1.96 billion, compared with $1.74 billion in the same quarter a year earlier.
Revenue rose in large part because payment volume on Visa debit cards for the quarter ended in September rose 8 percent to $268 billion. That translates to revenue in the quarter ended in December. Credit card payment volume was flat over the same period.
Transaction volume in the quarter ended in December rose 14 percent, Visa said, which should translate to higher revenue next quarter.

Visa said it expected annual net revenue growth of between 11 percent and 15 percent. In October, the company said it expected revenue in the lower end of that range.

Visa, which does not lend at all, pulled off a record U.S. IPO almost two years ago as investors seized on its growth potential and lack of direct exposure to the global credit crisis.
(Reporting by Dan Wilchins; Editing by Phil Berlowitz)

Novices at the Dechen Phodrang monastic school in Thimphu

Novices at the Dechen Phodrang monastic school in Thimphu hear the dinner bell and come running.
More than 400 boys attend the academy, where a typical day of study stretches from 5 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

"அசை பெர்ரி" நியூ கேநேரதியன் Fruit

Acai Berry : New Generation Fruit
Posted by Angel 5 Commented Tuesday, January 19th, 2010
Under : Acai Berry, Acai Berry : New Generation Fruit, Acai Berry and weight loss, Acai Berry Supplement, Acai Berry: About, Acai Calories, Calories in Acai Berry, How Acai Berry Helps You Lose Weight?, interesting facts about Acai berry, most nutritious food, nutritional facts about acai berry, Side Effects Of Acai Berry

Acai Berry: About
Acai berries come from palm trees that are native to Central and Southern America. These palm trees thrive mainly in floodplains and swamps. The tall, slender, graceful palms grow up to 30 meters tall and have leaves that grow up to 3 meters long.
Acai palms grow quickly and are used for both their fruit and the heart of the palm, which is often used in salads. Each palm can produce up to 50 pounds of berries per year. Amazonian tribes have known about the health properties of this berry for centuries, and now the world wide demand for the fruit has meant that they are now cultivated mainly for that purpose.

Acai Berry is a small round black purplish fruit that looks like grape both in appearance and size though with a lesser pulp. Acai berry fruit has a single large seed, when the berries are ripe, the exocarp turn into a deep purple color or green depending on the type of acai berry as well as its maturity. The endocarp of the acai berry fruit takes about 80% of the fruit while the fleshy part of the berry is the mesocarp that contains the pulp which is of a uniform thickness. Acai berries are a very important component of food for the Amazon people of Brazil and it constitute and forty-two percent of the food intakes for the people of this region and the juice and pulp of this fruits have been found to be very useful and it is used as blends in various juices such as soda, smoothies and several other drinks.

The berries have the tendency to deteriorate very fast after harvest due to its high fatty content and today several companies now use acai berry to produce juice and energy drink. Acai berry is not only good for food, since eighty percent of the fruit constitutes the seed; the seeds can be ground for livestock or used as manure for plants. The research carried out on acai berry fruit has been found it to be very nutritious and it has been reported that about 100g of extract of the fruit contains 52,2g of Carbohydrates, 8.1g of protein, 32.5g of fat and 44.2g of fiber forms part of the carbohydrates portion of the fruit. Acai berry being a high fat content fruits also contains oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid, the berries also have antioxidant properties, also the fruit have been known to help increase energy level and when the juice are extract from the fruit to produce beverages it aid the digestive system.
Acai berry has several health benefits such improving mental clarity, promotes sound sleep, supplies the body with vital vitamins, cleanse and detoxifies the body of toxins that are infectious, builds the immune system, enhances sexual desire and performance, help in fighting cancerous cell, reduces the aging process, it alleviates diabetes, helps it normalizing and regulating the cholesterol levels, helps in proper functioning of the heart, reduces inflammation, increases circulation as well as improves vision. Though Acai berry is just coming on stage in America circle but it has been around for many centuries and has been a source of healthy living to the many people especial the natives of Brazil.

How Acai Berry Helps You Lose Weight?
Acai berries are most known as a weight loss supplement, although they have a number of other benefits such as reducing the aging process and helping cell recovery. The weight loss properties of acai berry can be largely explained by the increased metabolic rate it causes. This happens because of the very large amount of antioxidants (substances, which prevent oxidative stress and cell damage) it contains. This leads to faster fat breakdown, increases energy levels and fights fatigue. Combined, these effects make the process of losing weight faster and easier without any side effects usually associated with synthetic chemicals. Many research papers suggest that eating a diet high in antioxidants is the key to successful weight loss.

How to Choose the Right Acai Berry Supplement?
The following are simple guidelines, which will help you choose the best acai supplement and not fall prey to scams.
* Choose products that contain 100% pure Amazonian acai berry extract. Other products are a waste of time and money.
* Steer clear of products that seem very cheap. Do not forget that acai berries are harvested manually in the Brazilian rainforest, which is a very labor-intensive task. A good price estimate is $40-50 per bottle and cheaper is not always better.
* Make sure that the vendor provides money back guarantee. In a few rare cases the product may not work, the money back guarantee makes sure you don’t lose money.
Side Effects Of Acai Berry
The acai berry is said to be good for your health in a number of ways, so are there any side effects to this antioxidant packed fruit? Asking what the side effects of the acai berry is kind of like asking what the side effect of apples or bananas are.
In Brazilian rainforests the acai berry grows on palm trees, and is said to make up for over 30% of the food intake of the inhabitants. As yet no side effects have been reported from that part of the world, which is positive, as this fruit has been a major part of their diet for centuries. That said, if you have pollen allergies, then the acai berry may aggravate this. The reports of pollen allergies and acai berries are minor, but should be noted.
In regards to the acai berry interacting with medications, there are no reports of the acai berry in it’s pure from reacting to medications. There have been reports of people experiencing mild diarrhea if they have consumed a large amount of acai berries in their pure form, or as a puree. This is not dissimilar to ingesting any amount of fruit or vegetables in large quantities.

Calories in Acai Berry

Acai berry is said to be the most nutritious food available, this is the reasons why it has so many followers and people claiming that they have some fantastic results while taking them.
Due to the high nutritious value it has undergone recent scientific studies to see if these claims are possible. Studies by Florida State University have shown that the berry does has huge potential to help people suffering with various problems and to even in the Lab to kill or severely weaken cancerous cells!
The future looks extremely bright for the little berry. But what about weight loss, there have been a lot of claims as to people using the Acai berry in there attempts to lose weight including a number of celebrities. These claims are undergoing a lot of study at the moment but they do look promising.

Acai Calories
Even though calories are not as huge a part of weight as some would believe, more important is to create balance within your body and to increase your metabolism to burn fat while watching what you eat. The calorie value of the Acai per serving is said to be 247. Here is a brief list of some of the other nutritional value of the Acai Berry including the calorie values.
* Acid 0.13%
* Brix 45.90g
* Protein 6%
* Fiber 16.90g
* mgIron 11.80 mg
* Vitamin 810.36mg
* Vitamin B20.01 mg
* Calcium 9.0 mg
* Vitamin C 9.0 mg
* pH 5.21
* Calories 247

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Acai Berry : New Generation Fruit
Posted by Angel 5 Commented Tuesday, January 19th, 2010
Under : Acai Berry, Acai Berry : New Generation Fruit, Acai Berry and weight loss, Acai Berry Supplement, Acai Berry: About, Acai Calories, Calories in Acai Berry, How Acai Berry Helps You Lose Weight?, interesting facts about Acai berry, most nutritious food, nutritional facts about acai berry, Side Effects Of Acai Berry

Acai Berry: About
Acai berries come from palm trees that are native to Central and Southern America. These palm trees thrive mainly in floodplains and swamps. The tall, slender, graceful palms grow up to 30 meters tall and have leaves that grow up to 3 meters long.
Acai palms grow quickly and are used for both their fruit and the heart of the palm, which is often used in salads. Each palm can produce up to 50 pounds of berries per year. Amazonian tribes have known about the health properties of this berry for centuries, and now the world wide demand for the fruit has meant that they are now cultivated mainly for that purpose.

Acai Berry is a small round black purplish fruit that looks like grape both in appearance and size though with a lesser pulp. Acai berry fruit has a single large seed, when the berries are ripe, the exocarp turn into a deep purple color or green depending on the type of acai berry as well as its maturity. The endocarp of the acai berry fruit takes about 80% of the fruit while the fleshy part of the berry is the mesocarp that contains the pulp which is of a uniform thickness. Acai berries are a very important component of food for the Amazon people of Brazil and it constitute and forty-two percent of the food intakes for the people of this region and the juice and pulp of this fruits have been found to be very useful and it is used as blends in various juices such as soda, smoothies and several other drinks.

The berries have the tendency to deteriorate very fast after harvest due to its high fatty content and today several companies now use acai berry to produce juice and energy drink. Acai berry is not only good for food, since eighty percent of the fruit constitutes the seed; the seeds can be ground for livestock or used as manure for plants. The research carried out on acai berry fruit has been found it to be very nutritious and it has been reported that about 100g of extract of the fruit contains 52,2g of Carbohydrates, 8.1g of protein, 32.5g of fat and 44.2g of fiber forms part of the carbohydrates portion of the fruit. Acai berry being a high fat content fruits also contains oleic acid, palmitic acid and linoleic acid, the berries also have antioxidant properties, also the fruit have been known to help increase energy level and when the juice are extract from the fruit to produce beverages it aid the digestive system.
Acai berry has several health benefits such improving mental clarity, promotes sound sleep, supplies the body with vital vitamins, cleanse and detoxifies the body of toxins that are infectious, builds the immune system, enhances sexual desire and performance, help in fighting cancerous cell, reduces the aging process, it alleviates diabetes, helps it normalizing and regulating the cholesterol levels, helps in proper functioning of the heart, reduces inflammation, increases circulation as well as improves vision. Though Acai berry is just coming on stage in America circle but it has been around for many centuries and has been a source of healthy living to the many people especial the natives of Brazil.

How Acai Berry Helps You Lose Weight?
Acai berries are most known as a weight loss supplement, although they have a number of other benefits such as reducing the aging process and helping cell recovery. The weight loss properties of acai berry can be largely explained by the increased metabolic rate it causes. This happens because of the very large amount of antioxidants (substances, which prevent oxidative stress and cell damage) it contains. This leads to faster fat breakdown, increases energy levels and fights fatigue. Combined, these effects make the process of losing weight faster and easier without any side effects usually associated with synthetic chemicals. Many research papers suggest that eating a diet high in antioxidants is the key to successful weight loss.

How to Choose the Right Acai Berry Supplement?
The following are simple guidelines, which will help you choose the best acai supplement and not fall prey to scams.
* Choose products that contain 100% pure Amazonian acai berry extract. Other products are a waste of time and money.
* Steer clear of products that seem very cheap. Do not forget that acai berries are harvested manually in the Brazilian rainforest, which is a very labor-intensive task. A good price estimate is $40-50 per bottle and cheaper is not always better.
* Make sure that the vendor provides money back guarantee. In a few rare cases the product may not work, the money back guarantee makes sure you don’t lose money.
Side Effects Of Acai Berry
The acai berry is said to be good for your health in a number of ways, so are there any side effects to this antioxidant packed fruit? Asking what the side effects of the acai berry is kind of like asking what the side effect of apples or bananas are.
In Brazilian rainforests the acai berry grows on palm trees, and is said to make up for over 30% of the food intake of the inhabitants. As yet no side effects have been reported from that part of the world, which is positive, as this fruit has been a major part of their diet for centuries. That said, if you have pollen allergies, then the acai berry may aggravate this. The reports of pollen allergies and acai berries are minor, but should be noted.
In regards to the acai berry interacting with medications, there are no reports of the acai berry in it’s pure from reacting to medications. There have been reports of people experiencing mild diarrhea if they have consumed a large amount of acai berries in their pure form, or as a puree. This is not dissimilar to ingesting any amount of fruit or vegetables in large quantities.

Calories in Acai Berry

Acai berry is said to be the most nutritious food available, this is the reasons why it has so many followers and people claiming that they have some fantastic results while taking them.
Due to the high nutritious value it has undergone recent scientific studies to see if these claims are possible. Studies by Florida State University have shown that the berry does has huge potential to help people suffering with various problems and to even in the Lab to kill or severely weaken cancerous cells!
The future looks extremely bright for the little berry. But what about weight loss, there have been a lot of claims as to people using the Acai berry in there attempts to lose weight including a number of celebrities. These claims are undergoing a lot of study at the moment but they do look promising.

Acai Calories
Even though calories are not as huge a part of weight as some would believe, more important is to create balance within your body and to increase your metabolism to burn fat while watching what you eat. The calorie value of the Acai per serving is said to be 247. Here is a brief list of some of the other nutritional value of the Acai Berry including the calorie values.
* Acid 0.13%
* Brix 45.90g
* Protein 6%
* Fiber 16.90g
* mgIron 11.80 mg
* Vitamin 810.36mg
* Vitamin B20.01 mg
* Calcium 9.0 mg
* Vitamin C 9.0 mg
* pH 5.21
* Calories 247

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Carrot Cake Pancake Recipe

• 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
• 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted
• 2 teaspoons baking powder
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
• 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
• dash of ground cloves
• dash of ground ginger
• 1/4 cup dark brown sugar
• 3/4 cup buttermilk
• 1 tablespoon canola oil
• 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
• 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
• 2 cups finely grated carrot
• 3 tablespoons butter, softened
• 2 tablespoons honey
Combine flour, walnuts, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg, cloves and ginger in large bowl. Stir with whisk. In separate bowl, combine brown sugar, buttermilk, canola oil, vanilla extract and eggs. Add sugar mixture to the flour mixture. Stir just until moist. Fold in grated carrots.
Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Spoon 1/4 cup-sized batter mounds onto pan, spreading with spatula. Cook for 2 minutes or until tops are covered with bubbles and edges look cooked. Carefully turn pancakes over and cooke one minute more, or until bottoms are browned. Repeat procedure with remaining batter.
Combine butter and honey in small bowl and serve with pancakes and syrup. Yields approximately 12 pancakes.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


DRINK OF THE WEEK ( from Chef T. Ball )
By Trey Stevens - Saturday Drink
• ¾ oz Vodka
• • ¾ oz Peach Schnapps
• • Orange Juice
• • Cranberry Juice
• • 1 dash Grenadine
Pour all the alcohol over ice and then fill up with equal amounts of orange and cranberry juice. Add a dash of grenadine syrup and decorate with lemon slice.
There are few other drinks out there that have such innuendo, especially if you offer this one to a girl while vacationing in a tropical locale.

The Perfect Dirty Martini (a Tanner top four)
What could be classier than this drink for the perfectly classy woman -- or, at least, the one who wants to look like her?

2 oz Belvedere Vodka
½ oz olive juice
¼ oz dry vermouth
2 green olives

Start by filling a martini glass full of ice and cold water. To a shaker full of ice add the vodka and olive juice. Shake until the outside of the shaker becomes “frosty.” Strain the ice and water out of the glass and add the vermouth. Swirl the vermouth around the inside of the glass just to coat it, and then dump out the excess. Add the vodka olive juice mix and two olives to the martini glass. Tanner's take on this one: “I like blue-cheese-stuffed olives for the best garnish, but maybe that’s just me and every women I’ve served -- voila.”
The Perfect Cosmo
Cosmos seem to fit into a lady’s hand like a baseball glove does a man’s. This girlie drink recipes is a perfectly simple concoction that she will feel comfortable walking around a bar or party with all night. And talk about simple to make:

2 oz Belvedere Vodka
1 oz cranberry juice
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 oz Triple Sec

Add all the ingredients to a shaker full of ice. Shake about 20 times, and then strain into a chilled martini glass. That's it, that's all.
The Mandi
This recipe came from my brother, Ryan, who works for Budweiser and spends a lot of time in bars. Whenever he meets a girl who doesn’t want to drink beer, but is not in the mood for liquor, he buys her one of these girlie drinks. It's an American twist on the British Pixie Stick.

½ pint glass Michelob Ultra
½ pint glass Sprite

Pour both ingredients into a pint glass and give a quick stir with a long bar spoon. Garnish with a lime wedge and serve.

Chocolate Cake (a Tanner top four)
Be careful, men, because this one is so surprisingly tasty that it may become a closet favorite of yours too -- and that is not something you want to admit, ever. Try it once in private, and then try to tell us we’re lying.

¾ oz Frangelico
¾ oz Stoli Vanilla Vodka
Granulated sugar
Lemon wedge

Pour the Frangelico and vodka into a shaker full of ice. Shake well and strain into a shot glass rimmed with sugar. Serve with the lemon wedge garnishing the side of the glass. Tanner suggests that you “lick, shoot and then bite. It tastes surprisingly like chocolate cake!”
Tuaca Lemon Drop (a Tanner top four)
You know you’ve overheard a beautiful girl ordering one of these shots late at night. Ever wondered how to make it? Here’s the recipe, and by all means put on the full show. Be prepared, after you make the first, everyone at the party will quickly be ordering one.

1½ oz ice chilled Tuaca
½ teaspoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon Grand Marnier
1 lemon wedge

Drench both sides of the lemon in sugar and set on a small plate. Heat the Grand Marnier in a tablespoon over a lighter for about 10 seconds then pour over the lemon. Immediately light the lemon on fire. When the fire burns out, pour the Tuaca and serve. “Shoot then suck!” reminds Tanner.
Sex with an Alligator (a Tanner top four)
There’s something the ladies love about a layered shot. The reason for the layers is the density of each different ingredient. Like mixing oil and water, they will naturally separate. If you slowly pour each layer, you won't need to wait for separation. If this shot doesn't turn out the first time around, try again but pour slowly and carefully. And you can enjoy the ugly one in private.

1 oz Stoli Vodka
1 oz sweet and sour mix
½ oz Jagermeister
½ oz Chambord

Shake the vodka and sweet and sour mix with ice for about 20 seconds. Strain into a shot glass. Slowly pour the Jager and Chambord over the back of your bar spoon. Be sure to press the tip of the spoon against the inside of the glass. If distinctive layers don't form immediately, allow the drink to sit for a minute or two and they should separate beautifully.

There you have it. Head off into the world as a new and confident man ready to tackle the arena of girlie drinks. Use this information to prepare the perfect drink that will win her over and, better yet, impress her friends. Thanks again to Craig Tanner and the beautiful girls at 3rd Base Sports Bar in Frisco, Texas, for their help with these recipes.
Enjoy, and good luck!
Drink up,